Friday, October 25, 2013

Crab Feast #2

As with any good fishing tale, we swear the two really big ones were able to break our lines or steal our fish head bait and get away.  Just means they'll be that much bigger when we catch them tomorrow.  Also realizing we may just move to Kotor, the dramatic mountains, the sea, the old town, the general pace of life here.  If we could just eliminate the damn cruise ships and the noisy tourists that come along with them, not to mention the changes it causes to the fish behavior and the sheen of oil visible on the surface of the entire bay when there are several in port.
And we must admit, fishing (or crabbing) in Kotor Bay is almost unfair, something akin to fishing in an aquarium.  Or perhaps being invited over to a friend's house who has a fish tank, baiting a hook, and going 'fishing' there.  We've seen thousands of fish, endless crab, a stingray, and even an eel last night.  One crab took our bait, the eel stole it and had it in its mouth, tried to hook it and just missed.  Not sure if we'll ever leave this place.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I am extremely impressed. Eating your own catch must be saving you a lot of money not eating out. What fun!
