Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stenbock House in Tallinn, Estonia

Noticed a couple burly, well-dressed in suits security guards complete with earpieces down by the last viewing point.  They were eyeing absolutely everyone with unguarded accusatory eyes.  Made our way around the corner, and found much much more security, police vehicles, motorcycle cops, and a dozen suited guys who were clearly not to be messed with.  Peering through the gates of this government building, we could see a lot of hustle and bustle, and a group passing by us was wearing pins with both the Estonian and Italian flags.  Even an ambulance was on standby.  The entire upper level of the Old Town was littered with security forces and the route where the cars would obviously be going were lined with them.  All I could think at that point was that the President of Italy was making a visit.
(While I secretly hoped it was Silvio Burlosconi, who would whisk us away to a Bunga Bunga party...)
Was also amazing that here in Estonia, we could stand no more than 25 meters away from the front door of what could be their white house, and the door was open and we could see directly inside.  Not too many assassination attempts on the life of the Estonian president I assume.

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